jeudi 2 mai 2013


<p>D'autres PPS sur Diaporamas-a-la-con</p>

<p><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" width="550" height="550" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" />Why are Muslims believe that their religion is true? Do they have compelling reasons? Praise be to Allah Dear questioner, Best regards! Your question appears logical first premium when it comes from a person outside Islam. As for the one who practiced the religion after having joined it actually knows the extent of the benefit that he enjoys in the shadow of this religion. This is due to many reasons which we cite the following: 1. The Muslim worships one God who has no partner and who has the most beautiful names, sublime attributes. This realizes the unity of direction and purpose of the Muslim. This puts his trust in his Master and Creator, relies on Him, His help intrigue, His help and His support. He believes that his Master is omnipotent and needs neither a wife nor a child, and He created the heavens and the earth and that it is He who gives life and causes death, and He is the Creator provider of livelihood. The servant seeking sustenance from Him, the All-Hearing, the Respondent. The servant invokes His hope and fulfillment as He is willing to accept repentance, as He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. The servant repents to Him if he commits a sin and negligence in the practice of worship of his Lord, the Knower, the Aware of all, the Omnipresent who knows the intentions and deep secrets. This pushes the servant to be ashamed to commit sin is to do injustice or to do others. Because he knows that his master is aware of what he does as he knows that his master is wise and knowledgeable mystery. This is why the servant confidence in choosing the Master made for him and the divine decree concerning since he knows that the mayor does not infringe and that any judgment made against him is a good, even if the servant does not understand the wisdom that presides. 2. The effects of Muslim religious practices of the Muslim. Prayer creates a bond between himself and his Master. When he agreed to do so with reverence, he experiences the peace, tranquility and rest because it relies on a very strong pillar that is Allah, the Mighty, the Majestic. That is why the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace and salvation be upon him) said: "Let us stand in prayer" When a troubled business, he had recourse to prayer. When a person faces a test experiment prayer, she felt a relief providing patience and consolation to his ordeal. This is explained by the fact that the prior recites in his prayer the words of his Master. But the effects of these words are incomparable to the effects of repetition of human speech. If the speech of some psychiatrists may be comforting and decompressing, what about the speech of Him who created the psychiatrist? About zakaah, one of the five pillars of Islam, it rids man of greed, accustomed to such generosity to the poor and needy, and gives it, like the other cultural practices, an award that will be useful to the Day of Resurrection it. It is not comparable to humans tax financial burden, since it is only 25/1000 of the property concerned. The true Muslim to perform willingly and does not try to escape it, even if nobody pursued him for it. As for the fasting, it is to abstain from eating, drinking and the intimate relations to observe the worship of Allah, show its awareness of the need of the hungry and frustrated and remember the blessings of the Creator to the creatures including an award unspeakable. As the pilgrimage to the Sacred House built by Abraham (pbuh), it is an implementation of the order of Allah, provides the opportunity to offer prayers assured of fulfillment and allows the knowledge of Muslims from all over the globe. 3. Islam recommends all good, not all evil and promotes the practice of a set of rules of conduct and noble virtues such as truthfulness, mercy, restraint, meekness, humility, modesty, respect for promise, dignity, compassion, fairness, courage, patience, availability (to others), integrity, selflessness, charity, tolerance, honesty, gratitude and self-control (in If anger). Islam recommends filial piety, good maintenance of kinship relations, assistance to victims, the good treatment of neighbors, good property of the orphan, the little compassion, respect for the elderly, softness in the treatment of domestic and animal waste removal, the word, forgiveness, renunciation of punishment from a position of strength, good advice given by a Muslim to another, the needs of Muslims, give the debtor in difficulty, the practice of altruism and sharing the consolation (other) people smile, inquire about the state of the sick, help the oppressed, offering gifts to companions, although treating the host behave towards his wife, ensuring the vital maintenance of his wife and children, spread the hi (salam) and ask permission before entering a house, so as not to violate the privacy of its inhabitants. If some non-Muslims doing some of these things, they are as general etiquette. But they do not expect compensation or reward (divine), or success or happiness in the afterlife. As for forbidden in Islam, we find that they always seek an individual or social interest. All prohibitions pay in the direction of relations linking faithful to his master on the one hand and the next second. Consider the many examples to illustrate this: Islam forbade shirk (polytheism) so the worship of a deity other than Allah, and teaches that the worship of this deity led to disaster and misfortune. He forbade further attendance became preachers or other future and acceptance of their return. Similarly, it has banned the practice of magic used for coupling or separating two people. It also excludes the belief in the influence of the stars and planets on human life and events. Still prohibits insulting the time since it is Allah who manages. It is the same due to make a bad omen (of phenomena). He also prohibited the cancellation works by the desire to be seen or heard or done a favor to remind the recipient. Other Muslim proscriptions appears as follows: - Bow or prostrate in reverence to the place of other than Allah; - Sit with the hypocrites to express approval of their company; - Invoke the curse or divine or entry into hell against someone angry; - Urinate in stagnant water; - To relieve themselves on a path or in a shade used by people or around a trough or by moving towards Mecca or turning his back (this also applies to the urine); - Keep sex in the right hand while urinating; - Greet a person who disposes; - Dip his hands in water before washing after waking; - Perform supererogatory prayers at sunrise, zenith and sunset as it sets between the horns of Satan; - Pray under the pressure of the urine, defecation or farts, all of which are likely to disturb the prior and to divert the reverence required. ; - Raise their voices in prayer to harm others and continue the night prayers when sleepy because we must sleep and wake up later to pray, and to praying all night uninterruptedly ; - To end his prayer in case of doubt on the reality of the cause of interruption, so we will not hear a sound or smelled; - Perform a buying or selling or looking for a lost inside mosques because they are places of worship and call Allah be where it is not appropriate to deal of worldly things; - Press not going to participate in prayer because we must walk quietly and with dignity; - Compete in the decoration of mosques with the use of red and yellow colors and mosaics as well as anything that distracts the faithful to prayer; - Observe uninterrupted fasts; - Fast without her husband's authorization date; - Build on graves, raise, sit on it, walk with shoes between the graves, enlighten, write on it, empty of content and turn it into a mosque; - Cry a dead force screams, tearing clothes, roll the hair at the death of a person, announce a death in the pre-Islamic way. But only the death poses no problem; - Feed on riba (bank interest) and practice all kinds of sales involving ignorance, deception or cheating; - Selling blood, wine, pork, idols and any object whose use is prohibited by Allah for the exchange of the prize is prohibited; - Outbid by someone who does not want to buy as happens in many operations auction; - The concealment of defects exposed goods for sale; - Sell an item before disposal or before receive; - Make a sale to another or on another purchase or negotiation on another; - Sell fruit before maturity and before they are immune to a damage; - Use of measuring instruments and defective weighing (in bad faith); - Sell his share of land, a field of date palms or similar property before the purchase offer to his partner; - Eat the wealth of the orphan unjustly; - Practicing gambling or feed on fruit; - Resort to theft and the practice of bribery and corruption; - Pillage or plunder the property of others; - Seize the property of others to dispose of; - Buy merchandise at less than its normal price (despite the owner) price; - Hide a lost object to seize; - Pick up a lost without intending to announce object; - Practice of cheating in any form whatsoever; - Incurring a debt with the intention not to pay; - Grab any part of the property of his Muslim brother in spite of himself that is taken by the sword of modesty is prohibited (that are forced by someone to bullying ); - Accept the abandonment of marriage and castration; - Marry two sisters at once, or a woman with her niece and her maternal or paternal aunt, regardless of whether the marriage is contracted with the older less before the old or vice versa, for fear that this attitude causes the rupture of ties relatives; - Establish compensatory marriages is said for example to someone marries me your daughter or sister, I will marry my daughter or my sister, so that compensates another woman. This is unfair and prohibited; - Temporary marriage contract that binds both parties for a specified period; - Have intercourse during the menstrual period; - Use in anal intercourse; - Ask for the hand of a woman already engaged in the engagement before the first fianc&eacute; abandons her project; - An adult woman married before the visit or girl without her permission; - Use the term "bi-wal rafa Banina" in congratulating the newlyweds because it is a pre-Islamic custom that expressed hatred for girls; - Conceal her pregnancy in case of divorce; - Discuss publicly intimate that spouses provide each other enjoyments; - Divert a woman by her husband; - Playing with the divorce; - Ask a man to divorce his wife to marry her; - Spend her husband's property without his consent; - Abandon the bed of her husband without his consent, for the angels curse the woman who has so without a valid excuse; - Marry the woman of his father; - Having sex with a pregnant woman works of another; - Practice coitus interruptus with a free woman without her permission; - Arrive at his wife by night and by surprise when returning from a trip, he informs them of the time of his return, there is no harm; - Capture a part of the dowry given to his wife without his permission; - Harm to the woman to get him to redeem himself; - Practice of female exhibitionism; - Exaggerate the excision; - Welcome a man in her husband's house without his permission, but a general permission not only contrary to law in this area; - Separate a woman from her child; - Revel in permissiveness; - Set length a foreign woman; - Watch a foreign woman in succession; - Eat a dead animal drowned, suffocated or stunned or victim of a fall; - Consume blood, meat pork or that of an animal slaughtered without mentioning the name of Allah or the mention of the name of another; - Eat what is slaughtered in honor of the idols; - Eat the flesh of any animal that eats dirt, it is the same with the milk; - Eat a beast with molars, a bird claw and the ass; - Depriving an animal of food until his death; - Use the nail and tooth to kill a beast; - Kill an animal to another; - Sharpen a knife before a beast to the slaughter; About clothing and adornment, etc., is prohibited: - Engage in waste on clothing; - Wear gold jewelry for men; - Stay naked; - To walk around naked or revealing her thighs; - Wear clothes too long, drag them as a sign of pride and wear a dress that draws particular attention; - Give false testimony; - Undermine the honor of chaste women; - Undermine the honor of an innocent person or slander; - Make fun of someone with a gesture or a glance; - Exchange of bad nicknames, engage in gossip, to hawking, to taunt against Muslims, to boast to his birth and to question the pedigree of someone; - Engage in insult to insult, the obscene and degrading; - Raise your voice to utter bad words except for a wronged person; - Lie particularly in the context of the dream as the fact claim to have had a dream to give merit or achieve material gain or to intimidate an enemy; - Is overstated; - Keep a secret meeting two by putting a third person away because it may sadden the latter; - Curse a believer or someone who does not deserve it; - Insulting the dead; - Invoke the death wish for someone or for yourself because of evil that we suffered; - Pray against himself, against his children, his servants and his property; - Eat foods that are in front of another; - Eat foods that are in the middle of flat; - Do not eat the foods that are on his side, because it is part of the blessed; - Drinking from a broken part of the container, to be evil; - Drinking from the mouth of a further (or bottle) or exhaling it; - Eat when we are lying on his belly; - Sit at a table where wine is consumed; - Let the fire lit in the house when we go to bed; - Sleep holding in his hand a small cup as a further; - Fall asleep lying on his stomach; - Tell or explain the nightmare that results from a satanic manipulation; - Kill a soul unjustly; - Kill his children for fear of poverty; - To commit suicide, fornication, homosexuality, consumption of wine in its manufacture, transportation and sale; - Meet people in order to generate the wrath of Allah; - Raise the front of your parents or tell them fi! - Attach the parentage of a child to someone other than his father; - Punish by fire; - Burn alive or dead; - Kill and cut pieces of the victim; - Help the false and cooperate in sin and aggression; - Obey someone in disobedience to Allah; - Give a false oath; - Intentionally give a false oath; - Listen to a conversation without the permission of its authors; - Watching someone shameful parts; - Arrogate something that we do not deserve; - Take advantage of what is not; - Will be rented for an action that was not made; - Find out what happens inside a house without the permission of its occupants; - Waste; - Take an oath sinner; - Spy; - Have a bad opinion of pious and devout; - Adopt a life marked by hatred, jealousy and break attitude - Persist in the wrong; - Show pride, pride, ostentation, overestimation of self, excessive joy and gladness push excessively; - Recover his alms, even by purchase; - An employee to work without paying her salary; - For unfairness in donations to his children; - Make a will on the entire property, so as to leave his poor heirs, such a will can only be performed up to one third; - Maintaining bad relations with its neighbors; - Draw up a will in a discriminatory manner; - A Muslim boycott beyond three days without a legally admissible cause; - Throw a stone with two fingers because it could hurt in case of infringement of the eye or a tooth; - Make a will in favor of an heir, because Allah has given to the heirs of their rights; - Hold a gun to his Muslim brother; - Unsheathe a sword and walk with, afraid to hurt (someone); - Two separate walkers without their consent; - Dismiss a gift in the absence of a well-founded apprehension; - Spend excessively; - Deliver goods prodigal; - Want to recover property which Allah has bestowed on other men or women; - Make its zero by alms accompany the harm to the beneficiary; - Conceal testimony; - Impose a constraint (unfair) an orphan; - Chase a beggar; - Is treated by an impure drug because Allah has not placed healing ummah in what He has forbidden; - Kill women and children in war; - Boast in front of others; - Does not keep his promise; - Violating its commitment; - Ask people unnecessarily; - Terrorize his Muslim brother or seize his property, whether in a joking or serious; - Retrieve his present or his donation unless it is of a gift from a father to his son; - Practicing medication without experience; - Kill the swarms, bees and hoopoe; - Look at the awrah of another; - Sit between two people without their permission; - Are welcome as we know, because we must greet everyone; - Make an excuse for his oath not to drive a good deed, because we must do good and expiate the oath; - Settle a dispute between two opponents while angry and judge for one before hearing the arguments of the other; - Through a market carrying objects potentially harmful to Muslims, such as sharp instruments not covered; - Move someone to take his place; - Do not leave his brother in religion before asking his permission ... among other commands and prohibitions prescribed for the happiness of mankind. Have you ever seen or known, O questioner, a religion like this? Review the response and then ask yourself the question if it is not too bad you're not yet one of his followers? Allah Almighty says in the Quran immeasurable: "And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam will not be accepted and will be in the afterlife among the losers. "(Qur'an, 3: 85). Finally, I wish you and wish anyone who has read this response assistance (divine) that allows it to engage in the right way, the way of truth. May Allah protect us all from harm</p>

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<p>Ihre Tr&auml;ume auf meinen Bauch schattieren meine Torheiten Und dein Atem verj&uuml;ngt in die Handfl&auml;che meiner Nacht Soll ich Ihnen sagen, Liebling .... wenn du schl&auml;fst Die Wiege meiner Arme, ich f&uuml;hle mich schw&auml;chen den K&ouml;rper Und ich reiten die Welle zum Fallstrick des R&uuml;ckens Um die W&auml;rme in meinen Fingern Ihrer Haut f&uuml;hlen Soll ich Ihnen sagen, dass mein Engel .... Federkissen Ihr Haar ist ein Durcheinander aus Weizen&auml;hren Deine Lippen ein wenig frivol &uuml;ber unsere vormittags Chaloupent meine W&uuml;nsche auf einem W&uuml;stling Luft Soll ich Ihnen sagen, meine s&uuml;&szlig;e .... wenn Sie foraged Die Kurve von meiner H&uuml;fte, ich f&uuml;hle mich sehr feline Dein Herz von reaper klang das Angelus Und den Tisch Sie ger&ouml;stetes mein nacktes Fleisch Soll ich Ihnen sagen, meine s&uuml;&szlig;e .... das ist die Lawine rumpelt Und auch mein Fu&szlig; will Rache * Ja! Alles, was Sie wissen ......... Aber ich liebe zittert und meine Augenlider geschlossen Sp&uuml;ren Sie Ihre hei&szlig;en Atem spielen virtuose Ihre Finger auf dem Bogen springt Musik Zwei K&ouml;rper wellenf&ouml;rmig symphonische Partitur * Der Wunsch Scherz!Tes r&ecirc;ves sur mon ventre ombragent mes folies Et ton souffle s&rsquo;effile dans le creux de ma nuit Te dirai-je ch&eacute;ri &hellip;.que lorsque tu t&rsquo;endors Au berceau de mes bras ,je sens faiblir ton corps Et je roule la vague &agrave; l&rsquo;&eacute;cueil de ton dos Pour sentir sous mes doigts la ti&eacute;deur de ta peau Te dirai-je mon ange&hellip;.qu&rsquo;en plumes d&rsquo;oreiller Tes cheveux en d&eacute;sordre sont des &eacute;pis de bl&eacute; Tes l&egrave;vres un peu frivoles sur nos petits matins Chaloupent mes envies sur un air libertin Te dirai-je mon tendre &hellip;.que lorsque tu butines La courbe de ma hanche,je me sens tr&egrave;s f&eacute;line Ton c&oelig;ur de moissonneur fait sonner l&rsquo;ang&eacute;lus Et en dressant la table tu croques ma chair nue Te dirai-je mon doux &hellip;.que gronde l&rsquo;avalanche Et que m&ecirc;me mon pied veut prendre sa revanche * Oui ! Tout &ccedil;a tu le sais &hellip;&hellip;&hellip; Mais je tremble amour et mes paupi&egrave;res closes Sentent ton souffle chaud jouer en virtuose Tes doigts sur l&rsquo;archet vont jaillir la musique De deux corps ondulants en notes symphoniques * Une envie plaisante !</p>

<p><strong>По заказу подруги. Флеш-эпиграф "Добро пожаловать в мой мир!" + КОД</strong><br /><br /></p>

<p style="text-align: center;">[flash=820,513,]</p>




<p>Размер эпиграфа можно менять: 738х462; 656х411</p>

<blockquote><strong>Серия сообщений "Эпиграфы":</strong><br /> Часть 1 - Флеш-эпиграф с КОДом "Добро пожаловать в мой Мир!" + аватарка в подарок!!!<br />Часть 2 - Флеш-эпиграф с КОДом "Дорогие друзья! Всегда рада Вам!" + аватарка в подарок!!!<br />...<br />Часть 9 - Флеш-эпиграф с часиками и кодом для женщин "Добро пожаловать в мой Мир!" <br />Часть 10 - Флеш-эпиграф-приветствие для милых женщин + КОД<br />Часть 11 - По заказу подруги. Флеш-эпиграф "Добро пожаловать в мой мир!" + КОД</blockquote>

<p><strong>Схемы с натюрмортами на черном фоне...)))</strong><br /><br /></p>

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Beaucoup d'hommes font pleurer les femmes aujourd'hui ! Alors ma sœur si tu dois pleurer pour un homme choisi celui qui te feras pleurer de joie le jour ou il viendra chez toi demander ta main et qui sera prêt à tout pour toi ♥